Monday, September 30, 2019

Jurassic Park Essay

Technology is one of our most beloved pieces of ongoing history, but does it cause more harm than it does help? In the film Jurassic Park, Steven Spielberg portrays the theme technology as an evil force to be reckoned with. Spielberg shows this through the plot, characters, and dialogue. Technology is a major theme because other than the hidden context that viewers have to seek it is everywhere in the film. A viewer thinks of technology as a helping hand, shortcut, or an advance of human nature, but in the film it is portrayed as something that should not be used to try and control nature. Also the complete opposite of what you would normally think, it will not work in your favor. The plot of Jurassic Park shows many ways of people being too reliant on technology. One way it shows this is in the very beginning of the movie they are transporting a dinosaur into the park and the cage had a green light on meaning that it was turned on and ready to transport the dinosaur, despite the green light being on a man was killed when he should have been completely safe (Jurassic Park). This sets the tone for the rest of the movie that you should never rely too much on technology because nothing is perfect. Another way the film Jurassic Park shows the theme overreliance on technology is when Nerdy, the computer nerd, turns off all the parks systems the electric fences shut off and they became completely vulnerable (Jurassic Park). On top of everything they could not even call for help because the phones were also down. Again, this just shows them being too reliant on technology. All this is caused because of Hammond, he is the creator of Jurassic Park and he is the one who counts on technology the most. The characters in the film showed the theme by their character arcs. Hammond, for example, started a park to show off the wonders of real dinosaurs from a safe distance of course. He counted on technology to run everything and keep people safe. When everything started going bad, everyone said they should just shut it down and not go on with this project. Hammond continued to fight for it, but in the end he gave up on it just like everyone else already had. Grant on the other hand hated technology from the start and did not want anything to do with it. Grant was the antithesis of technology, in the beginning of the film he was excavating and he hits a computer and it stops working this was foreshadowing that technology can break down at any moment. These characters symbolize the theme by what they go through in the film, as well as what they say. Steven Spielberg portrayed the theme by the dialogue in his film, Jurassic Park. Dr. Ian Malcolm said â€Å"God help us, we’re in the hands of engineers. † (Jurassic Park), this shows that Malcolm does not trust in technology all he wants it get the fame and money. In the film Jurassic Park Hammond said â€Å"We spared no expense. † (Jurassic Park), this was in the middle of the film meaning everyone else had already lost hope for the park and just wanted to get out but Hammond still believed in the park and also believed that it could keep going. Hammond also said â€Å"Dennis, our lives are in your hands and you have butter-fingers. (Jurassic Park), was a way of foreshadowing events that later came in the film, those events were, Dennis Nedry, the one running the behind the scenes of Jurassic Park, would turn all the systems off, put a encrypted password on, and slip away from the headquarters only to be killed and eaten by raptor, leaving the rest of the crew and family helpless. Steven Spielberg made you seek the theme â€Å"overreliance of technology† through the dialogue, not making it as obvious as other key events in the film. As evidenced by Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, film makers can use various filmmaking strategies to influence the theme of a film. Steven Spielberg used characterization, dialogue, specific scenes, and the plot to portray the theme â€Å"overreliance of technology†. Spielberg showed if one relies on technology so much it can get to a point where if something were to happen to technology you would wander around aimlessly not having the slightest clue on what to do. Steven Spielberg used this though various techniques, including, the plot, characters, and dialogue. Audiences should think twice about being dependent on a device that at any moment could become dysfunctional, they would have no idea what to do if that were to happen.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Psychodynamic Perspective Essay

There are various different approaches in contemporary approaches. An approach is a perspective that involves assumptions about human behaviour, the way they function, which aspects of them are worthy of study and what research methods are appropriate for undertaking this study. There may be several different theories within an approach, but they all share these common assumptions. You may be wonder why there are so many different psychology perspectives and whether one approach is correct and others wrong. Most psychologists would agree that no one perspective is correct, although in the past, in the early days of psychology, the behaviourist would have said their perspective was the only truly scientific one. Each perspective has its strengths and weakness and brings something different to our understanding of human behaviour. For this reason, it is important that psychology does have different perspectives to the understanding and study of human and animal behaviour. There are few clear explanations of common misbehaviour among secondary school students aged 16-19 years of age in terms of psychological theories. These explanations from the earlier psychologists able to make us understand more about gang violence that is increasing in amount nowadays. 3.0 PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE 3.1 DEFINITION Psychodynamic referred to as an approach to psychology that emphasises systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behaviour, feelings and emotions and how they might relate to early experience. It is especially interested in the dynamic relations between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation. It is also used by some to refer specifically to the psychoanalytical approach developed by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) and his followers, although such use becomes confusing, because some of those followers, in particular, John Bowlby opposed the founding principles of Freud’s theory, forming opposing factions. Bowlby’s attachment theory, still described as ‘psychodynamic’ in approach, is widely considered to be the basis of most current research and to have put the field formerly known as psychoanalysis on a more scientifically based,  experimentally testable, footing. The words psychodynamic and psychoanalytic are often confused. Remember that Freud’s theories were psychoanalytic, whereas the term ‘psychodynamic’ refers to both his theories and those of his followers. Freud’s psychoanalysis is both a theory and a therapy. Sigmund Freud developed a collection of theories which have formed the basis of the psychodynamic approach to psychology. His theories are clinically derived for example based on what his patients told him during therapy. The psychodynamic therapist would usually be treating the patient for depression or anxiety related disorders. Psychodynamic psychology ignores the trappings of science and instead focuses on trying to get ‘inside the head’ of individuals in order to make sense of their relationships, experiences and how they see the world. The psychodynamic approach includes all the theories in psychology that see human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person, particularly unconscious and between the different structures of the personality. Freud’s psychoanalysis was the original psychodynamic theory, but the psychodynamic approach as a whole includes all theories that were based on his ideas, e.g. Jung (1964), Adler (1927) and Erikson (1950). 3.2 PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE ASSUMPTIONS Behaviour and feelings are powerfully affected by unconscious motives. Behaviour and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences. All behaviour has a cause (usually unconscious), even slips of the tongue. Therefore all behaviour is determined. Parts of the unconscious mind (the id and superego) are in constant conflict with the conscious part of the mind (the ego). Personality is shaped as the drives are modified by different conflicts at different times in childhood (during psychosexual development). The unconscious is one of the most powerful effects on behaviour and emotion No behaviour is without cause and is therefore determined. Childhood experiences greatly affect emotions and behaviour as adults. The  id, ego and super-ego make up personality  The drives behind behaviour are a) The lift instinct and sex drive b) Death instinct and aggressive drive. Various conflicts throughout childhood development shape overall personality. The psychodynamic perspective asserts that in childhood certain incidents may occur that produce behaviours in adulthood. As children, defence mechanisms are utilized, then as adults behaviours manifest as a result. Examples of defence mechanisms that may be used include: Repression Denial Reaction formation Sublimation Projection Displacement Regression Fantasy Some examples of behaviours and their explanations using psychodynamic perspective include: Obsessive hand washing could be linked to a trauma in childhood that now causes this behaviour Nail-biting may be caused by an anxiety inducing childhood event A childhood event that caused fear in an open space may trigger agoraphobia in an adult Hoarding behaviours could be a result of childhood trauma Number aversion can be an obsessive behaviour perhaps initiated by an incident in childhood development Rituals of nervousness such as completing a task a certain number of times (such as opening and closing a cabinet) could be linked to a childhood situation Skin picking is a compulsion that would be linked to a developmental trauma Another compulsive behaviour is hair plucking Compulsively counting footsteps could be linked to an incident in childhood.  Any irrational behaviours can be blamed on childhood instances of trauma or development Neurotic behaviours can be linked to childhood development issues or interruptions Sexual compulsions or related sexual behavioural issues are linked at the sexual development stage using the psychodynamic perspective. 3.3 HISTORY OF THE PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE Anna O a patient of Dr. Joseph Breuer, who is Freud’s mentor and friend, from 1800 to 1882 suffered from hysteria. In 1895 Breuer and his assistant, Sigmund Freud, wrote a book, Studies on Hysteria. In it they explained their theory that says every hysteria is the result of a traumatic experience, one that cannot be integrated into the person’s understanding of the world. The publication establishes Freud as â€Å"the father of psychoanalysis.† By 1896, Freud had found the key to his own system, naming it psychoanalysis. In it he had replaced hypnosis with â€Å"free association.† In 1900, Freud published his first major work, The Interpretation of Dreams, which established the importance of psychoanalytical movement. In 1902, Freud founded the Psychological Wednesday Society, later transformed into the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. As the organization grew, Freud established an inner circle of devoted followers, the so-called â€Å"Committee†. Freud and his colleagues came to Massachusetts in 1909 to lecture on their new methods of understanding mental illness. Those in attendance included some of the country’s most important intellectual figures, such as William James, Franz Boas, and Adolf Meyer. In the years following the visit to the United States, the International Psychoanalytic Association was founded. Freud designated Carl Jung as his successor to lead the Association, and chapters were created in major cities in Europe and elsewhere. Regular meetings or congresses were held to discuss the theory, therapy, and cultural applications of the new discipline. Jung’s study on schizophrenia, The Psychology of Dementia Praecox, led him into collaboration with Sigmund Freud. Jung’s close collaboration with Freud lasted until 1913. Jung had become increasingly critical of Freud’s exclusively sexual definition of libido and incest. The publication of Jung’s Wandlungen und Symbole der  Libido, known in English as The Psychology of the Unconscious, ted to a final break. Following his emergence from this period of crisis, Jung developed his own theories systematically under the name of Analytical Psychology. Jung’s concepts of the collective unconscious led him to explore religion in the East and West, myths, alchemy and later flying saucers. Anna Freud, Freud’s daughter, became a major force in British psychology, specializing in the application of psychoanalysis to children. Among her best known work is The Ego and the Mechanism of Defence (1936). 3.4 PSYCHODYNAMIC STRENGTH AND LIMITATIONS STRENGTHS LIMITATIONS Made the case study method popular in psychology Defence mechanisms Free association Projective Tests (TAT, Rorschach) Highlighted the importance of childhood Case studies are subjective and cannot generalize results Unscientific (lacks empirical support) Too deterministic (little free-will) Biased sample Ignores meditational processes (e.g. thinking, memory) Rejects free will Difficult to prove wrong 3.5 PSYCHODYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE CRITICISMS The greatest criticism of the psychodynamic approach is that it is unscientific in its analysis of human behaviour. Many of the concepts central to Freud’s theories are subjective and as much impossible to scientifically test. For example, how is it possible to scientifically study concepts like the unconscious mind or the tripartite personality? In this respect, the psychodynamic perspective is difficult to prove wrong as the theories cannot be empirically investigated. Furthermore, most of the evidence for psychodynamic theories is taken from Freud’s case studies, e.g. Little Hans, Anna O. The main problem here is that the case studies are based on studying one person in detail and with reference to Freud the individuals in question are most often middle aged women from Vienna for instance his patients. This makes generalizations to the wider population difficult. The humanistic approach makes the criticism that the psychodynamic perspective is too deterministic that it is leaving little room for the idea of personal agency. 3.6 PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY OF GANG VIOLENCE The psychodynamic theory places its emphasis on the notion that one of the main causes of gang violence is children’s abnormal personalities that were created and developed in earlier life. Since then these â€Å"unconscious mental processes† have been controlling the adolescents’ criminal behaviour. The Id is the drive for immediate gratification and can explain gang violence acts. The ego is the realization of real life and helps control the Id. Superego develops through interactions with parents and other responsible adults and develops the conscience of moral rules. This psychodynamic approach states that traumatic experiences during early childhood can prevent the ego and superego from developing properly, therefore leaving the Id with greater power (Champion, 2004). According to psychodynamic theory, whose basis is the pioneering work of the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud, law violations are a product of an abnormal personality structure formed early in life and which thereafter controls human behaviour choices. Unconscious motivations for behaviour come from the Id’s action in response to two primal needs-sex and aggression. Human behaviour is often marked by symbolic actions that reflect hidden feelings about these needs. For example, stealing a car may reflect a person’s unconscious need for shelter and mobility to escape from hostile enemies or perhaps an urge to enter a closed, dark, womblike structure that reflects the earliest memories (sex). All three segments of the personality operate simultaneously. The Id dictates needs and desires, the superego counteracts the Id by fostering the feelings of morality and righteousness and the ego evaluates the reality of a position between these two extremes. If these two components are properly balanced, the individual can lead a normal life. If one aspect of the personality becomes dominant at the expense of the others, the individual exhibits abnormal personality traits. A number of psychologists and psychiatrists expanded upon Freud’s original model to explain the onset of gang violence among adolescents. Erik Erikson speculated that many adolescents experience a life crisis in which they feel emotional, impulsive and uncertain of their role and purpose. He coined the phrase identity crisis to denote this period of inner turmoil and confusion. Erikson’s approach might characterize the behaviour of youthful drug abusers as an expansion of confusion over their place in society, their inability to direct behaviour towards useful outlets and perhaps their dependency on others to offer them solutions to their problems. Psychoanalyst, August Aichorn, found in his classic work that social stress alone could not produce such an emotional state. He identify latent delinquencies which means youths whose troubled family leads them to seek immediate gratification without consideration of right and wrong or the feelings of others. In its most extreme form, gang violence may be viewed as a form of psychosis that prevents delinquent youths from appreciating the feelings of their victims or controlling their own impulsive needs for gratification. Psychodynamic theory holds that youth involvement in gang violence is a result of unresolved mental anguish and internal conflict. Some children, especially those who have been abused or mistreated, might experience unconscious feelings associated with resentment, fear and hatred. If this conflict cannot be settled, the children may regress to a state in which they become Id dominated. This regression may be considered responsible for a great number of mental diseases, from neuroses to psychoses, and in many cases it may be related to criminal behaviour. Adolescents in gangs are Id-dominated people who suffer from the inability to control impulsive drives. Just because they suffered unhappy experiences in childhood or had families who could not  provide proper love and care, causing them to suffer from weak or damaged egos that make them unable to cope with conventional society. Adolescent antisocial behaviour is a consequence of feeling unable to cope with feelings of oppression. Involvement in gang violence actually allows youths to strive by producing positive psychic results, helping them to feel free and independent, giving them possibility of excitement and the chance to use their skills and imagination; providing the promise of positive gain, allowing them to blame others for their predicament (for example, the police) and giving them a chance to rationalize their own sense of failure. The psychodynamic approach places a heavy emphasis on the family’s role. Gangs frequently come from families in which parents unable to provide the controls that allow children to develop the personal tools they need to cope with the world. If neglectful parents fail to develop a child’s superego adequately, the child’s Id may become the predominant personality force, the absence of a strong superego results in an inability to distinguish clearly between right and wrong. In fact, some psychodynamic view gangs as motivated by an unconscious urge to be punished. These children feel unloved, assume the reason must be their own inadequacy, hence they deserve punishment. Later, the youth may demand immediate gratification, lack of compassion and sensitivity for the needs of others, disassociate feelings, act aggressively and impulsively and demonstrate other psychotic symptoms. According to the psychodynamic approach, gang violence is a function of unconscious mental instability and turmoil. People who have lost control and are dominated by their Id are known as psychotics, thus causing their behaviour be marked by hallucinations and inappropriate responses. Megargee’s ‘overcontrolled’ violent offender Megargee (1966) documented a series of cases of gang violence carried out by people who were regarded as passive and harmless. For instance, an 11 year-old boy who stabbed his brother 34 times with a steak knife was described as polite and softly spoken with no history of aggression. Megargee argued that such cases represent a distinct sub-group of violent offender criminological psychology. Psychodynamic theories of offending Aidan Sammons whose shared characteristic is an apparent inability to express their anger in normal ways and who eventually ‘explode’ and release all their anger and aggression at once, often in response to a seemingly trivial provocation. Freudian formulations like Megargee’s are unfashionable nowadays and more research attention is given to the majority of violent offenders, whose problem is generally a lack of inhibition of their anger, rather than too much inhibition. Nonetheless, there is evidence that a subset of violent offenders follow the pattern described by Megargee. For example, Blackburn (1971) found that people convicted of extremely violent assaults tended to have fewer previous convictions and scored lower on measures of hostility than those convicted of moderately violent assaults. However, the existence of such a group does not in itself show that Megargee was correct about the underlying mechanisms responsible.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Decision Making - Essay Example In principle, theory X is based on the view of workers as essentially lazy. The theory supports the notion that workers will seek all opportunities to avoid work or responsibility. The objective of any worker, according to this theory, is the obtaining of money that comes from his duties. This theory advocates for the use of threats and coercion in forcing the element of motivation within the workers. Motivation, in line with this theory is a consequence of fear arising out of the threat and coercion (Ramlall, 2004). On the other hand, theory Y bases its tenets on the view of humans as naturally progressive. The theory contends that humans will seek excellence, responsibility, and self-actualization if given the opportunity. The level of competence of any worker is dependent on the kind of incentives and the conducive nature of environment that supports the spirit of industriousness and enterprise. This theory holds the view that motivation will arise from the sum of incentives that aim at developing the skills and commitment of the worker in line with the specific duties in which he engages. This theory promotes a closer cooperation between the workers and management in ways that eliminate friction and misunderstanding between the two categories. It also includes aspects of human resource development through such processes as training and the engagement in certain activities as rewards and promotion to spur the interest of the workers towards the pursuit of excellence. The Goal Setting theory of motivation developed by Edwin Locke in the 1960s is another key theory that attracts the interest of management scholars in many fields of business and management (Simone & Patricia, 2008). According to this theory, the aspect of motivation is driven by the pursuit of some specific goals. The worker will often engage his skills, effort, and energy to levels that are consistent with the nature of the goal. The theory proposes that the goals have to be clear and precise in order to engage the interest and motivation of the worker. Vague and ambiguous goals, according to this theory, will not achieve the aspect of motivation that is necessary for the pursuit of the desired ends of a given process. This theory also opposes the setting of easy goals will diminish the efforts of the worker as they can be achieved without the input of much effort (Simone & Patricia, 2008). The goal-setting theory is usually dependent on the aspect of human character. According to the proponents of the theory, human beings love challenges and would seek opportunities of self-actualization and a sense of accomplishment through the pursuit of challenges as defined in specific goals. Achieving a given goal often results in feelings of confidence in the worker while failure to achieve the goals may result in feelings of inadequacy leading to effort increment or change of strategy. In essence, this theory promotes the actualization of the latent potentials in individuals by s ubjecting them to challenges that expose their inner strengths and hidden capabilities. Humans, according to this theory will often adjust their levels of commitment and effort in line with the nature of challenges placed before them. Self-Determination theory of motivation relates to the psychological impetus in human beings to seek ways

Friday, September 27, 2019

My Developmental Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My Developmental Narrative - Essay Example So in a way, college studies for me have become a vacation in a way. But it is only a vacation in terms of the exacting standards of the educational institution that I am enrolled in. Having all of my classes in English now presents me with a different kind of tension and stress level. My English speaking and written skills are not as excellent as I wish as they could be but I somehow manage to get by in class. After all, I was raised in a highly disciplined country with a track record for academic excellence. So it comes as no surprise that I am able to adapt to my surroundings whenever the need arises. I have found that as a college student, I have come to mature immensely. I no longer view my studies as an activity that takes away from my time that I had allotted for having fun. Maybe it was because I was being forced to study lessons that I had no interest in at the time. As a college student, I finally have the chance to study things that are of interest to me. So I find studyin g more fascinating and useful now. These days, I view my education as a means to achieving a goal instead of a burden like I did in high school. Remember how as a child, we are reliant on our parents for everything? We follow everything that we are told to do without asking questions because we believe that they know best for us. Then we become teenagers and the friction begins to increase as we slowly develop into our own persona that is a far cry from what our parents expect of us. The same thing happened to me in regards to my relationship with my parents. From being a clingy child who asked mother to help me with even the smallest task, I have slowly become my own independent person who tends to question his parents when asked to do something. In fact, save for the few arguments that I have with my parents, I don't think that we really talked at all. I found them boring and an encumbrance in my daily life because of all the rules that they expected me to follow. There were more don'ts than there were do's coming from them when it came to living my life. So you can imagine how I too passed through the rebellious phase during high school. If I had a choice back then, I would rather not have my parents around me. But as I progressed in age, I found that my sentiments about my parents also changed as well. Perhaps it is because they loosened the controlling reins that they had on me before and allowed me to develop my own opinions and live my life, allowing me to learn from my mistakes but always being at the ready to help me recover from it if I ask them to. Now at I have spent a significant amount of time abroad as a university student. I cannot help but think about how it will affect my relationship with my parents. We were not close in the past and I am afraid that this move will further make us strangers to each other. I know that I will not see them as often as I used to anymore. Funny, I thought that not seeing them was exactly what I wanted in life. Bu t it turns out that a significant part of me misses them and the family relationship that we had. It is hard to miss your parents and not see them everyday because when you do see them, it seems like so much time has passed and they have aged a lot since you last saw them. The physical changes that they undergo are equivalent to the same changes that they see in me according to them. They are specially proud of the fact that I have become even

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Living on campus and living off campus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Living on campus and living off campus - Essay Example Living on campus was really fun as I stayed in one of the best dormitories on campus. I had the opportunity of living with students in my class as some of them lived in my dormitory. I live far from campus due to the accommodation problems in the city and I do not have the opportunity of living close to my fellow colleagues. Life off campus was really good socially as I had the freedom to jive as I wanted to, which would not have been possible if I was still staying on campus. Living on campus really benefited my academics as I would easily interact with my lecturers and fellow students. When I was living on campus, we usually organized a discussion class, where we shared knowledge and ideas on some courses taught in class. This is not possible living off campus as there are no students around me, not to talk of organizing a discussion class. Now that I live off campus, I have to go to the campus when I need some vital materials for my course and this has not made my academic experience worthwhile. Living on campus has benefited me more academically than living off campus. Though, I now have privacy staying off campus as I know that there is nobody watching my steps, but the fact remains that there is distraction living off campus, which was not the case when I was living on campus. The primary aim of everybody that lived on campus was their academics, but students that lived off campus had different aims and motives. For me to achieve academic success living off campus, I have to wade off these distractions and concentrate more on my studies. I now have to deal with the problem of paying the bills of social utilities off campus as I was not bothered by these problems when I was living on campus. I would say from my experience that life off campus has been more interesting than life on campus and would want to go back to living on campus if I have the opportunity. But I have also

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compare and contrast the attitudes of the Scientific School of Essay

Compare and contrast the attitudes of the Scientific School of Management thought (Taylor et al) with those of the Human Relations Movement (Mayo et al) with regard to people at work - Essay Example uding the determination of the most effective way to coordinate tasks, careful selection of employees for different positions, proper training and development of the workforce, and the introduction of economic incentives in order to motivate employees. Taylor’s scientific management theory is widely used today and underlies many management techniques from work study to standard costing. In scientific management theory, Taylor believed that management’s objective should be to secure maximum prosperity for both employers and employees in both the short and long term. He was able to arrive at this principle by studying the causes of hostility and inefficiency in the workplace. In his investigation, Taylor believed that left to their own devices, workers toiled inefficiently, basing their work practices on custom and habit rather than on scientific principles. In addition, he attributed hostility to the belief among workers that increases in output would naturally result in unemployment and that the traditional practice created inefficient methods of work and that workers restricted their outputs in order to protect their interests. (Cascarion and Esch, p. 106) Taylor called this as workers’ engagement in â€Å"soldiering.† He outlined two types of soldiering: Systematic soldiering, on the other hand, is the concerted restriction of output and the more problematic of the two. This attitude was rooted in management’s failure to develop appropriate authority and legitimation for standard work. (Collins 1998, p. 11) Taylor addressed this challenge by studying each job in order to discover the best way in doing it. He was able to identify the best means of control. He developed four approaches to management designed to be able to recruit and maintain workers – whose needs and attitudes towards work are met: Through the previous principles Taylor was able to design a set of standards in regard to control and workers’ wages in terms of scientifically

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 16

Strategic management - Essay Example First, yip’s model has been explained in which four drivers, such as cost drivers, government drivers, competitive drivers and market drivers, have been included. Each driver has its own influence on the performance of Samsung. However, a particular attention has been given to those factors that are highly relevant and represent the actual performance of Samsung. After introducing Yip’s drivers, critical analysis on Samsung has been provided. After this segment, a general introduction to Porter’s generic strategies has been mentioned. It is followed by a part representing a critical analysis on Samsung. Before the conclusion part, McKinsey’s 7-S model along with the application of this model on Samsung has been provided. Internationalisation is a comprehensive process and strategic way to enter into and explore new international markets. For understanding and evaluating the dynamism inbuilt to the internationalisation process, Yip has identified four drivers: Market drivers, government drivers, cost drivers and competitive drivers (Campbell, 2002). And each driver is further segmented into different parts. For example, market drivers encompass various threads, such as global customers, common customer needs, international distribution channel, physical existence in strategically important countries and available and movable marketing techniques and so on ( Evans et al., 2011). In this regard, it is important to highlight that market drivers cannot be enumerated because each industry has its own factors that directly support or create competition for the industry. As a result, market drivers vary from one country to another; from one market to another; and from industry to another. Government drivers are mainly related to the regulatory aspect. In this context, all those factors are relevant that are related to the compliance with law

Monday, September 23, 2019


THE CURRENT TRENDS OF WHOLE FOODS MARKETING - Research Paper Example These leaders can be contacted via phone or email specified on their website. Thus, Whole Foods Market tried to help its customers and tries to give them the best possible service as well, in order to keep its customers satisfied. (Whole Foods Market, 2011) Whole Foods Market is an organization that claims that it provides its customers natural and least processed food. It is their Unique Selling Proposition that they try to give their customers products in purest form. They try not to sell products coming out of cloned animals; rather they claim to give the product in its most natural form possible. They also try not to use artificial colors or preservatives in their products. Whole Foods Market has many products but most of them are related to food and health. There are many product lines available at Whole Foods Market including Grocery, Whole Body, Premium Body Care, 365 Everyday Value, Bakery, Prepared Foods and Whole Foods Market Brand. (Whole Foods Market, 2011) Whole Foods keeps adding new product lines and should do so in order to keep its customers entertained, happy and satisfied. However, no matter what they introduce, their Unique Selling Proposition remains the same, that is, they keep giving natural and high quality products. Whole Foods Market provides its customers with the most natural products possible which gives it a completive edge in the market. Whenever it comes to pure, organic or low processed food, Whole Foods Market always comes to mind. There are competitors for Whole Foods Market but these competitors have not taken Whole Food Market’s position and this is because Whole Foods Market provides to its customers what its competitors do not. In this age where everybody is learned and is aware that in order to do something and to make a difference they need to stay healthy and in order to stay healthy they need to maintain a healthy diet. This is why Whole Foods

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sodium, and Potassium Essay Example for Free

Sodium, and Potassium Essay Discussion In this lab, six different metals were tested for their reactivity in water. From less reactive to most reactive, the metals were as follows: Aluminum, Magnesium, Calcium, Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium. A pattern found in the periodic table explaining the reactivity of metals is the further down in a family, and the further left in a period, the more reactive the metal will be. Aluminum and Magnesium were both the less reactive. Neither of the metals produced hydrogen, or not enough to have a positive test to prove it was there. Metals + H O H + Metal Hydroxide Calcium gave off a large amount of Hydrogen gas. Lighting a splint, placing it in the test tube, and hearing a loud pop proved this. When the calcium was placed in the water, it caused the temperature to rise to such a high level it was not possible to hold with bare hands. This could be because the electrons are moving so quickly that it causes the temperature to rise. The calcium formed a white, powder-like precipitate at the bottom of the test tube. Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium all had very violent reactions in water. Phenolphthalein was added to the beakers after the metals had reacted, and the water turned a pink/ purple color proving that these metals make bases, and therefore have a pH between eight and. Common reactions between metals were they all formed hydrogen gas, even if it was a very small amount. Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium all tested positive to be a base with phenolphthalein, and all had an oily surface. A pattern found in the periodic table explaining the reactivity of metals is the further down in a family, and the further left in a period, the more reactive the metal will be. This is because the elements in period I, Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium, only have one valence electron, and it is quite simple to lose it. Also, the further down the family, the more the ionization energy decreases because of the shielding effect (the inner electrons block the attraction of the nucleus for outer electrons) and atomic radius (the greater the distance between the nucleus and the outer electron). However, the further to the right of the periodic table, the more the ionization energy increase because of the nuclear charge, electron arrangement ( an electron in a full of a half full energy level requires additional energy to be removed), and atomic radius. This explains why Aluminum was the least reactive, and Potassium was the most reactive.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Analysis of Jane Austins Pride And Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Jane Austins Pride And Prejudice Essay Elizabeths and Darcys epithet (not literal but rather implied) of Proud and Prejudiced as the title of the book indicates, is clearly evident in the discourse and the use of pronouns found in extract A chapter 10. Extract B chapter 58, has an entirely different use of discourse and the polarity of persons is fundamentally different to that of extract A, the I and you of Elizabeth and Darcy become increasingly more like a metaphorical we or us as the book progresses, bring about a new implied epithet of humble and accepting. Benveniste refers to the use of pronouns as bringing ones ego into reality through the othering of people. The culture of politeness at the time that Jane Austin wrote Pride and Prejudice dictated that a person had to be far more subtle in their approach to, amongst others, insults. This was predominantly done through the change in indexicals, in the same manner we as the reader are able to pick up on the transition from; repulsion between Elizabeth and Darcy through to attraction and ultimately love, all as an event of language. In extract A Mr. Darcy moves closer, drawing near line 2, to Elizabeth , this is indicative of his affection towards her although it may be on a sub-conscious level. The reader can assume this as he moves his entire body towards her in a private manner. He then proceeds to other and mock her in line 4 by not including his own subjectivity in the discourse. Do not you feel a great inclination, Miss Bennet, to seize such an opportunity of dancing a reel? In this utterance Mr. Darcy does not include himself in the discourse and refers to Elizabeth as you, this creates a distance between the two as the you is not linked to Mr. Darcys I. Mr. Darcy extenuates Elizabeth by referring to her as Miss Bennet, in this he creates more distance by the formal address. The word seize is a blatant attempt to incite a reaction from Elizabeth by emphasizing her familys economic situation by insinuating that being poor, she would jump at the opportunity to let loose and revel in the opportunity to participate in, it is implied, this rare treat. In actuality Darcy is using an ironical tone to provoke a response and although othering Elizabeth is desperately seeking her attention. The same practice is performed by most young children, often mocking and behaving in a callous manner to the opposite sex in order simply to engage them. Elizabeth does not answer his question and he is forced to  repeat it. This indicates to the reader that although the two seem to be partaking in an argument, it is more than that and they are rather just trying to get attention from one another. It is important to note that at the time the novel was written it would be considered extremely rude to not answer a direct question and the fact that Elizabeth does this to Darcy s hows us; that she is a head strong proud individual and that she feels comfortable enough with Mr. Darcy to be impolite. After having repeated the question Elizabeth answers him. The polarity of the subjectivity and deixis is well demonstrated in her response to him. I heard you before, she involves him as a you (the object) and rebukes him by making him aware that he knew she had heard and there was no need to repeat the question. She continues by re-iterating her intention of othering him by using in reply line 9 opposed to to you. To illustrate his opinion and highlight his rudeness, she proceeds and turns him into the subject by placing the you at the beginning of the sentence in line 9, You wanted me. Elizabeth does this in order to embarrass Darcy and in doing so becomes a hypocrite, by using a tit for tat approach. She rebukes his poor cordiality but in doing so becomes just as malicious as Darcy. Elizabeth s rebuttal reaches the crux with her proverbial but line 10; after involving him she utterly removes him as a subject in her discourse and moves into a statement, I delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of their premeditated contempt. The reader can observe the those and their as a way of putting Darcy and his verbal banter in the same category as any other person she has encountered in her past. To enhance her point with dramatic effect she slows the tempo of her utterances; I have, therefore, made up my mind to tell you, that I do not want to dance a reel at all and now despise me if you dare. Once again she makes herself the subject with the I have then a the series of pauses so that the reaffirmation of her subjectivity can occur distinctively three times; I have, made up my mind, that I do not want. In closing Elizabeth forces the polarity onto Darcy by using direct and powerful words despise and dare. It is thus impossible for Darcy to avoid discourse and resorts to a defence of his ego offered by the I. Extract B chapter 58 begins with Darcy explaining to Elizabeth the circumstances of his youth that brought about the selfish line 8 adult that he became. In this monologue Darcys use of pronouns from lines 1 through to 11 are all self involved and one can notice the repetition of I at the beginning of sentences and after conjunctions or the start of a new point. This is unlike the use of I found in earlier extracts as well as future extracts; this is due to Darcys explanation being of little importance to any polarity of persons but rather a brief description. Darcy has by this stage of the book evolved into almost an entirely different I or person. When he uses the I in this section of the extract he is in essence borrowing it from his old self in order to justify his Prejudiced actions towards not only Elizabeth but all people he perceived to be of an inferior class. The introduction of Darcys new self occurs in line 12 with his inclusion of you and the use of Elizabeth s name, but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth!. The surrender of all ego is done by attributing dearest and loveliest to the you of Elizabeth , importantly he uses the pinnacle of these attributes to raise her above all others. By you I was properly humbled. line 14; this positioning of the you before the I show that Darcy has completely surrendered himself over to Elizabeth by giving the you tenure of the I. Elizabeth, not surprisingly, also gives herself over to Darcy by reversing the order of pronouns in line 17 Had you then persuaded yourself that I should?. The use of pronouns as Benviniste demonstrates is a direct representation and the only true representation of ones ego. Both Elizabeth and Darcy then proceed in a rather shameful manner to reverse the polarity of persons in order to apologise to one another. How you must have hated me after that evening! line 22, the reader should take note of the utterance being formed as a question but made as a statement. Certainly Elizabeth is seeking a response but in a very passive manner! Darcy replies in an equally passive tone but hints of defensive tones can be observed in his response of Hate you! I was angry, perhaps, at first, but my anger soon began to take a proper direction line 23. Darcy involuntarily reverts back to his old I as a means of defence and finding a comfort zone, correcting himself he introduces and Elizabeth and her you by implying  that she is the proper direction. The lines that follow are of the same passive nature as slowly the I and you of Darcy and Elizabeth become one. Benviniste tries to convey that our use of pronouns is in essentially the only way in which or utterances or communication can be of any importance. Pronouns are the gateway in which or egos can be transmitted into reality. These two extracts from Pride and Prejudice show wonderfully how this is done. Through the book we notice a clear change in the polarity of persons from that of egotistical to unselfish and relinquished pronouns. Bibliography:Jane Austin Pride and Prejudice

Friday, September 20, 2019

Divorce and its roots

Divorce and its roots DIVORCE AND ITS ROOTS DIVORCE. It is only a seven-letter word, but it remains very controversial. It is the legal ending of a marriage in some countries such as Western countries. There are various and complicated reasons for divorce. But these reasons are particular to each couple to their marital relationship, experiences, as well as problems. People have this notion of falling in love. They would also ask themselves, Is there such thing as falling out of love? Probably, some people say that falling out of love means that there is no love between two people. There are times that a person would think that, Oh, I no longer love him. or My love for her is already gone. On the other hand, some people do not believe in the notion of falling out of love. In their view, they consider that a person was just attracted to the physical features of the person. Or there is just a sense of belongingness at first, but that feeling or sense vanishes later. People say that there is no such thing as falling out of love. They consider that people just used to feel the love and belongingness from another person, which they no longer feel later in their relationship. This entails that there are some essential factors to keep the relationship stable that are presently lacking or absent. If these factors are lacking or absent, then the relation ship would be struggling and therefore, it needs resuscitation. Before marriage, it is important that the couple is ready in terms of legal readiness, emotional readiness, and financial readiness. They should be in the right age to marry. They should be emotionally prepared for their married life for they would be building up their new family, thus, they would be living separately with their parents. And also, it is better if the couple is financially stable. Being financially stable allows the couple to provide adequate needs for their family. In addition, if the couple has a satisfactory financial status, it is not likely for them to face financial crisis. There would be no financial problems arising in the future. However, some people do not consider this financial stability as a factor in marriage. Some people just get married, without thinking for their future. They tend to think only about the present and there is a sense of neglect where they do not foresee the possibilities that may happen in the future. Probably, this is considered as a reason why some families face financial problems at present. It is because they are not ready and they are not stable financially. In relation to divorce, some people cannot withstand the financial crisis that they experience. They might be used to live a wealthy life when they are not yet married. They want to escape from their financial problems that they leave their partners. Other people may possibly commit adultery because they want to experience a wealthy living. It is recommended that couples under financial crisis should discuss possible ways to increase their living. They can discuss about establishing their family business. They can also seek advice from their friends and family on how they can solve their problems. There are cases that people separate from each other because of cultural differences. It includes the religious beliefs and lifestyle differences. Because the couple has different religious views, they find it hard to relate to each other. There are times that they might have contrasting views. In addition, lifestyle differences affect the relationship of a couple. If one is organized and very systematic, while the partner is messy and has no eagerness to plan for the future, then it would also be hard for them to live together. However, if they learn understand that everyone is unique, then they should try to find ways in order for them to adapt to the exceptionality of each other. Moreover, they should gain respect to each other because respect is an element that makes a relationship stable. If there is no respect between couples, then it is likely for them to have fights or quarrels. Some people leave their partners if the partner has mental instability of mental illness. Some people want their partner to be intellectually and mentally healthy so as to establish and run a productive life. But for some people, having a partner who is mentally ill is very difficult to the other party. It adds pressure because you have to take care of your partner physically, emotionally, mentally. It is draining to them. It is hard because you they to adapt to the abnormality of their partner. Some leave their mentally ill partners due to the social stigma that their partner gets in the society. People with mental disorder or mental tendencies have very poor social life. They have very low socialization because of their qualities. So it is probable that the partners of these mentally ill people are not proud of them and they want to have themselves apart from that social stigma. But in some cases, some people accept their partners for who they are. They have their own strategic an d adaptive ways to cope with the status that their have. It is the concern that they have for their partner. They are eager to provide care as well as support to their partner. This support is the element that binds them together and makes them surpass the social dilemmas that they face. Some people separate because of immaturity or interference from parents. There are circumstances wherein one of the couple is not able to function productively without the help of their parents. They are not able to live a life of their own. They tend to seek help, especially financially from their parents. There are also some cases where in the parents or the in-laws do not want the partner for their child. It may adversely affect their relationship as a couple. However, if the couple would understand each other, they could help each other by identifying their weaknesses and by using their strengths to overcome their weakness. This way, they will be able to live their life more productively, with less help from other people. For some people, the personality of their partners really matters. They want disciplined partners, no vices, and no criminal records. Sometimes, destiny becomes tricky. Some people introduce themselves as people with tender loving care. They tend to mask themselves with good qualities. They hide their real color until the wedding day. But then, months after the marriage, some problems arise. These problems are often related to the qualities of their partners. Some problems, especially to those with low socio-economic status, are related to the vices of their spouse like smoking and drinking. The partner will just smoke and drink everyday. Even some, would take illegal drugs. These factors often lead to physical violence to the wife and to the children. Because of that developing miserable life, some women take their children and decide to leave their husbands. There are cases, especially for men, wherein they leave their spouses because the spouse cannot conceive their child. For some men and women, it is important to them to have their own child. For them, they feel satisfied when they see their own kids playing around and mature as an adult. Other people do not prefer to adopt kids. Because their spouse is not able to produce a child, they tend to leave them and look for other people in the world who are capable of giving them an offspring. However, some people consider the other qualities of their partners. For some, they are not after to having a child, but they are madly after their partners. Some people do not mind if their partner is infertile or sterile, but what is important is that they live happily throughout their lives. Other people consider adopting children if they are not able to have their own. For them, it is the happiness that is important within the family. As long as they are happy, then they have no problems with that . Some people wanted divorce due to lack of commitment to the marriage. If two people just got married but they do not really love each other, would live an unhappy life in the future. An example of this point is when two people just get married because of unexpected pregnancy. They had their child but they do not truly love each other. It just means that they have to marry each other because of their responsibility for their child, but NOT their love and commitment for each other. However, the aforementioned example is not applied to all cases but only to some cases. Another instance is the prioritization of people. Some people tend to focus much on their career or personal growth. As a result, they spend less time to their families because they are already pre-occupied of their work. Furthermore, their partners would feel that they are no longer loved because of that lack of attention. In response, couples should consider that the presence of time and communication is also very signi ficant in a relationship. One of the major causes of divorce is infidelity. Some people have an affair to other people maybe because their partners cannot give their needs like luxury or sexual needs. Most people tend to find love and belongingness from other people when feel that they are not loved by their partners because of work, lack of communication, and mistrust. These things may result to a big problem, which is the absence of faith or loyalty to their partners. Technology today is on the rise and it allows people to meet other people around the world through the phone and internet. The internet is the most utilized tool to meet new people. There are sites in the internet that serves as a tool if one would like to search for a man or a woman. In addition, there are some websites that allow people to chat. That way, affairs can develop and that leads to infidelity. As soon as the other party discovers the unfaithfulness of his or her partner, he or she decides to leave the partner. Some people also loo k for new people where they can find love and belongingness. Problems arise because of lack of communication. Communication is the exchange of ideas between two people. Lack of communication builds a gap between partners. A marriage will also fail when the lines of communication are absent. It is important for the couple to discuss their feelings and concerns to each other. They should address the problem to their partners. This way, they will be able to discuss together possible plans in order to resolve the issues. In addition, constant communication is very vital to couples because it keeps them in touch and it gives them updates to their everyday life. For instance, if the husband needs to work abroad to earn an income for his family, then there should be a constant communication between him and his family in order for them to stay updated about their lives. They can use the telephone, the letter, and the internet in order to keep in touch with each other. Moreover, No man is an island. Of course, people are social beings. People are not p lants or rocks, which cannot speak. People have brains, mouth, and vocal cords that enable them to speak. People tend to talk to other people. This entails that couples, whether they are together or apart, there should be a constant communication between them. It bonds them together as one by keeping the heat on between them. There would be no gap between couples if there is constant communication. It also fills up the social needs of people. Above all, divorce is prevented if certain elements are present to bind the couple or the family together. First, there should be RESPECT. It is the recognition and appreciation of the uniqueness of each other, physically, mentally, socially, intellectually, spiritually, and culturally. The couple should accept the individuality of each other. Second, TRUST should be present. The couple should give their trust to each other. In addition, they should not break that trust because trust is like a glass, which is very hard to fix when it is already damaged. Next is COMMUNICATION. It is the exchange of ideas that enhance the harmony and mutuality of the relationship. It keeps the fire blazing and it adds spice to the married life. It avoids the gaps from building up. It is like a hot blaze that melts the freezing ice. Another vital factor is COMMITMENT. Commitment is a pillar or foundation of a strong mutual loving relationship among couples. Commitment, along with unconditional love, giv es life and eternity to couples. You should be committed to your husband or wife and you should be sure that you love him or her. But then, the word commitment is not simple. This entails that you have the responsibility for your partner. You should work together as one in order to overcome any trials on your relationship. And lastly, then answer to all the problems is LOVE. Without love, we are nothing. If you love each other, you would do anything for you to stay together till the end of you lives, in sickness and in wealth, in life and in death. Respect, Trust, Communication, Commitment, and Love are the elements that work in harmony towards a successful loving relationship. They play a role in maintaining the bond that joins the hearts of two people who love each other. If one of them would be lacking, then the bond would be disintegrated, thus, it allows external negative forces to further destroy that bond. To prevent divorce, couples should consider those elements in order for them to be happy for the rest of their lives.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Lymphoma: What To Expect :: essays research papers fc

On December 16, my life changed forever. I was in my third semester of college and had just finished my last final exam. Having studied all night, I headed to the university game room to shoot some pool and relax. After a few games I felt painful spasms in my neck and shoulder. At first I thought it was a â€Å"pinched† nerve, and I tried to ignore it, but the pain just got worse. I wanted to go home, but I had promised my girlfriend we would meet. As I walked to her building the pain shifted to my chest and I grew short of breath. I remember sitting out on the steps, waiting, and thinking, â€Å"What the hell is going on?† Never had I experienced such fear. I thought I would die. Shari and I had been dating for only a month, and I did not want to alarm her. So when she appeared, I said nothing. She, her girlfriend, and I walked over to the cafeteria for lunch. I sat there quietly wearing my best poker face. No one suspected anything. After lunch, the girls left to go t o their next exam and I went home. Looking back, I should have asked for help, but I did not. It took me over forty minutes to walk to my car. With each step, the pain was more crippling. I felt like an elderly man inching along with a walker. Foolishly, I drove myself home. I was nineteen years old, but never in my life did I need my mother more. When I walked in the door my younger brothers and sister were there, but mom wasn’t. I collapsed on the couch, but before I could explain mom arrived home. She could hear the desperation in my voice as I told her, â€Å"Mom, I have to go to the hospital, something is wrong!† and explained what was happening. She rushed me to the Emergency Room where we waited in the lobby for hours. The nurses had already performed their initial assessment. They thought maybe I had a chest cold or perhaps sprained the muscles in my sternum. They wanted to take an x-ray, but I had to wait. Mom was worried about my brothers and sister being alo ne. My stepfather had met us at the hospital, so he stayed with me while she went home to care for them.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut - The Man and His Work :: Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut – The Man and His Work One of the best, most valuable aspects of reading multiple works by the same author is getting to know the author as a person. People don't identify with Gregor Samsa; they identify with Kafka. Witness the love exhibited by the many fans of Hemingway, a love for both the texts and the drama of the man. It's like that for me with Kurt Vonnegut, but it strikes me that he pulls it off in an entirely different way. Kafka's work is a reaction to his mental anguish, which is kind of like Vonnegut, who has dealt with the bulk of his personal hardships throughout his career, but those hardships are not his sole motivation. And, while he's lead an interesting life, it doesn't seem nearly as dramatic or romantic as Hemingway's. Plus, Vonnegut is much more overt than either of the two about his authorial involvement in his work. But what really forces Vonnegut to impose his presence on the text is his complete inability to remove himself at all from the act of communication at the core of any work of literature. He revels in that involvement. He has mentioned his desire, what he implies is a universal need of all human beings, for some "soul-deep fun." He uses this term as a synonym for greatness. And this has lead to some nasty comments in fiction workshops about stories that I've written: complaints of flat characters, cartoonish plotlines, non-directed criticism, overall pessimism and over-sentimentality for all things lowbrow. Needless to say, sometimes I feel, to varying degrees of pretension, like Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was born on November 11, 1922, in Indianapolis, Indiana to Kurt Vonnegut, Sr. and Edith Lieber Vonnegut. He had an older brother named Bernard and an older sister named Alice. Kurt, Sr. was a well-known architect in the city and Edith was the daughter of a wealthy local family. The Vonneguts had been in Indianapolis for several generations, and were well-off, respected members of the community. Unlike the characters in most of his books, Vonnegut's early childhood was extremely privileged. It wasn't until the stock market crash of 1929 that he experienced the type of life that he would go on to write about in the future: the middle Middle Class. This was devastating to his family. According to Understanding Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. the depression moved in and made itself at home in the Vonnegut household.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Paparazzi Policy Speech

Being a celebrity means putting up with people wanting to take pictures with you and signing your autograph all the time. Everyone understands its in the job description to be followed and stared at. But when does a person taking a harmless picture cross the line into harassment? Yes its sad to think that these people don't get any privacy anymore, but what most of us need to worry about is that it could affect us next. Paparazzi have gotten more wild and out of control over the years and if we don't do anything about it now, it will only get worse.SLIDESHOW First we will go over exactly what the problem with the paparazzi is; such as how they are hired for magazines and abuse their power as a means to stalk individuals, not only celebrities but also professional athletes. Then we will find out the causes of the problem, and what effects they have had on the public, such as the laws that are currently in use but not working, and the injuries that innocent bystanders are getting becau se of the crazy paparazzi.Lastly, we will discover a solution for this dangerous situation, in which we will advertise high restrictions and greater punishments to any paparazzo who doesn't obey these laws. Lets begin by discovering exactly why the paps are dangerous. By not making enough restrictions for the paparazzi, we are basically encouraging them to continue to put our safety at risk. Paparazzi are described as freelance photographers who aggressively pursue celebrities to take candid pictures, which they plan to sell to magazines and tabloids for profit.According to an article in Suite 101 on August 7, 2008 written by Rachel Oliva, the term paparazzi actually comes from â€Å"paparazzo† which is italian for buzzing mosquito. You can definitly see the similarities. Paparazzi are infamous for car chases, causing disruptions and many other tactics to try and get rises out of the celebrities they are stalking. They have no consideration or care for the people they put in danger in order for them to get the perfect picture. Sadly, magazines pay huge sums of money for these pictures.Another article from Suite 101 written by Tara Gilbert on October 18, 2007 speculated that a picture of a celeb with no make up on can go for more than $10,000. Therefore, a fine of a mere $500 for running a red light is well worth getting the picture. Not only is this happening in the US, but in every country that celebs visit, you can count on a swarm of paparazzi being there. Especially in India, which is notorious for its terrible drivers, paparazzi are only making the conditions worse. Athletes are also being victimized by the aggressive photographers.Imagine a professional football or baseball player with a huge game the next day, The last thing they need to worry about is being harassed and photographed, which only adds to the stress in their life. In relation to us, we also have to worry about the paparazzi here in Malibu. Since we live in a place where many celebr ities have chosen to live, we get to tell cool stories to our friends about seeing adam sandler in Malibu Yo. However we also have to worry about the photographers hiding behind bushes and jumping out into the street hoping to catch the stars in surprise.And driving down PCH we are very likely to get in an accident with a reckless paparazzo and a frantic celebrity. David Halbfinger from the New York Times described in his article on June 9 2005 Some tactics that Paparazzi use to get the perfect picture, including using several vehicles to â€Å"box in† a celebrity's car, run the stars off the road, or chase them at a high speed. They recklessly put pedestrians, other drivers and even themselves at risk. Celebrities themselves are speaking out about the paparazzi as well.According to the same New York Times article, Reese Witherspoon, Famous for her role on Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama, said a paparazzi actually tried to ram the back of her car, which they had never d one before. The most famous of paparazzi- caused deaths was Princess Diana of Wales, who was killed in a high speed car chase trying to lose several paprazzi. SLIDESHOW An investigation was completed on April 7 2008 and in the Huffington Post, author Robert Barr concluded the fault was given to Princess Di's driver and the pursuing paparazzi for reckless behavior equal to manslaughter.Robert Barr goes on to say that nine of the paparazzi involved were charged with manslaughter, but the charges were thrown out in 2002. Only three photographers were convicted of invasion of privacy and fined exactly one euro in 2006. One euro? Really? If paparazzi can get away with killing one of the most respected women in the world and only have to pay one Euro, then something needs to be changed in our system. Now that we have found out exactly why the paparazzi are dangerous, Lets continue on to the causes of this problem.This problem exists because we as a community have allowed the paparazzi to take advantage of our lax laws. In the same article that Tara Gilbert wrote in 2007, she wrote that the paparazzi justify their tactics by using the 1st amendment Free speech excuse as their failsafe way of saying they are just doing their jobs. The laws that are in place now include one from 1999 that protects celebrities privacy in a minimal way, saying that pictures taken illegally from when paparazzi have trespassed can not be sold for profit. Hollywood. om author Ken wok describes the law as needing to be updated. This law doesn't say anything about car chases, doesn't protect the bystanders who are getting involved when the paparazzi get too angsty and doesn't put a boundary on how aggressive they can be. Although there are those few celebrities who use the paparazzi as a way to get more publicity and continue to be relevant, there are far more who are fighting back against them. Literally. According to Darrell Hartman's June 7 2010 article in Vanity Fair, Sean Penn found a pa parazzi in his hotel room nd proceeded to dangle the guy out his hotel room window by his heels. Kanye West smashed a paparazzos camera after they harassed him in an airport. And hugh grant threw a tub of baked beans at the paparazzi after they had followed him in london. He also karate kicked another pap in New York. Now that have gone over the problems and the causes, we can try to find solutions. Luckily, Governor Schwarzenegger was already thinking about this problem a month ago.Patrick McGreevy wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times on October 1, 2010 saying that the governor signed a bill that cracks down on photographers who drive recklessly in pursuit of celebrities or block sidewalks. It Includes possible jail time of a year. The bill also has greater punishments of the photographers who break trespassing laws and those who recklessly flout traffic ordinances. It charges over $5000 to any photographer who interferes with anyones car, not just a celebrities. However any p hotographers means newspaper journalists or television cameras are included too.By increasing the fee, hopefully paparazzi will be less likely to be aggressive and endanger peoples safety. While this bill is great, I suggest taking it even farther. Forcing the magazines to lower their rates for pictures of celebrities will make paparazzi think twice about the repercussions of driving recklessly. Andrew Blankstein of Century City news wrote in an article on October 1 2010, that explained how the value of celebrity photos tends to increase the franticness of paparazzi behavior. By taking away the reward's value, gambling with reckless driving may seem like its not worth it.Combined with the new bill that increases their punishments, the paparazzi will be forced to the conclusion that the risk of getting caught isn't worth the money they would get from a magazine. And lastly the one thing that all of us can do easily, is if we ever see a celebrity being harassed by paparazzi, we can ca ll the authorities. Most paparazzi get charges against them dropped because no witnesses come forward. With the extra punishments involved, these paparazzi will have to risk jail, or simply abide by the law. In conclusion, paparazzi are dangerous to celebs and innocent bystanders alike.Dubner states in his 2009 article that â€Å"when you are famous, your every move is of interest to someone, and consequently of value to someone else. † The bill that the governor signed last month will raise the punishments for paparazzi who break the law, and by forcing the magazines to lower the price of celebrity pictures by more than 80%, the payoff wont be as great for the photographers, hopefully discouraging them from doing anything illegal to get the pictures. These things combined can help celebrities, athletes, and normal people alike stay safe when paparazzis are around. SLIDESHOW

Monday, September 16, 2019

Homlessness in the US

In the two studies I reviewed, both pertained to school aged homeless children. Both studies were conducted to determine the need for a better education for these children. The first study I reviewed was called, Sheltered homeless children: Their eligibility and unmet need for special education evaluations. This study focused on the exploration of unmet need of special education evaluations for homeless children in Los Angeles, California. The second of my studies was called, Cognitive and academic functioning of homeless children compared to housed children. The analyzation focused on the effects of being homeless to a child's cognitive and academic functioning. Both of the above studies brought about the same basic issue of homeless children having the right to a better education. In both studies it was determined that homeless children, when tested, perform rather poorly in the area of academics. In the first study (Sheltered Homeless Children: Their Eligibility and Unmet Need for Special Education evaluations) homeless shelters were selected randomly and from these families were selected that consisted of one child aged 6 to 12 years. Testing was performed in a quiet place. There were 118 parents and 169 children involved in the study. The parents were asked questions pertaining to the how and why of homelessness. The homeless children were tested with questions from the RAND Course of Homelessness Study 3. 9, a Behavior Checklist, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the National Health Service, and the Woodcock-Johnson Language Proficiency Battery Assessment Test. The Peabody Vocabulary picture test was also used in the second study. In the second study (Cognitive and Academic Functioning of Homeless Children compared with Housed Children) the homeless children and their mothers selected for the study were from the Bronx in NY. There were 102 homeless children in the study. They were between the ages of 6-11, around the same age group as the first study; they were sought out of public schools. The housed children were selected randomly for the study. The mothers were asked how and why they became homeless and how long they had been homeless, and if they had a job, as in the study before. The children were all tested with numerous tests pertaining to their academic and cognitive functioning skills. The Raven's Test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, the Wide-range Achievement Test, a Child Depression Inventory test, and A maternal Anxiety test were issued to the children. Both of the studies focused on the same issue, that homeless children were not being assessed for their need of assistance with their academics. The first study did not involve children who were not homeless but the second study used them as a control. The second study also focused more on the effects of being homeless leading to anxiety and depression. Both of the studies had determined that homeless children have poorer scores compared to those that are non-homeless, and that they are more developmentally delayed. Both the studies also found that they have a higher rate of learning disabilities. There is also a higher need to assess children who might be eligible for special education services. The findings of the first study imply that there is a high level of unmet need for special education evaluations for homeless children. There should be more procedures conducted to determine one's eligibility for special education services for the homeless. Also, interventions should be provided for school-aged homeless children from special education professionals, general health care providers, and housing services. The second study suggests that there needs to be more of an effort to educate those that are homeless by academic professors. There needs to be more assessment of special education for these children. The study also touched on the fact that these children are often depressed and have a high rate of anxiety, this should be assessed through counseling services. In both of the studies, society needs to take an interest in helping get these children off the streets in the first place. The main purpose for both of the studies was to examine the impact homelessness has on a child's academic functional level. In both of the studies it was found that homeless children between the ages of 6-12 scored lower on achievement tests. They also had a higher level of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, they also had an increased rate of learning disabilities and the need for special education evaluations. Society needs to put more of an effort in getting these children off the streets and into a proper home so they can grow more academically and to develop at a typical rate. Academic professionals need to assess their need of assistance with their work and assess a higher need of special education evaluations. Professionals need to understand that these children have a harder time concentrating on their academic material because they are faced with issues like where they are going to sleep tonight instead of 4+3.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

New Media Technology Essay

Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the worldwide web, initially intended his invention to be a haven of collaboration where people could share their knowledge (Gauntlett 2009:39). Although the prospect of such public journalism corresponded with democratic and egalitarian principles, journalists took this idea with a pinch of salt. This was almost 20 years ago, before the information highway had, for better or for worse, stretched its limbs across the globe. Today, the new media has redefined both journalism and self expression in conflicting ways that leave an individual wondering at the veracity of digital information. In the last decade, internet has gone through an explosive growth and diversification. No one could have foreseen how the internet would pervade our lives and transform the very notion of being part of a society. It has provided the ultimate freedom of the new age: a single blogger can speak to the entire world, a concept virtually impossible two decades ago. However, with this flourishing and unbound growth, the internet brings a unique set of predicaments and dilemmas. The most profound and relevant of such problems is the age-old clash of a person’s right of self-expression with the hazards of misinformation of the whole society. Whether this deceit comes about due to ignorance or design is irrelevant; in a society that promotes freedom of speech, misinformation is bound to occur on both grounds. While conferring infinite freedom to the common person, this means of self-expression comes with the acrid realization that words from a layman, presented as the predominating views of his community, are not necessarily a blessing. The news on the new media of today is more about gossip and entertainment then first-rate journalism. Since when did journalism begin to cater to the ever-growing need of the populace to be entertained? In an interview to BBC World News America, Ted Koppel, former Nightline presenter, criticized the digital journalist of today for being a mere supplier for consumers (Whitlock 2010). The commercial expansion of new media and ever-growing competition in the free market means that journalists have to write what sells; or rather, gets the most â€Å"hits† on a website. How did we come to a situation where the populace demands not to be informed, but to be perpetually entertained? Discussing news on the television, Daya Kishan Thussu (2007: 9) states: â€Å"There is a concern that too much news is creating an information overload, contributing to a structural erosion of the public sphere in the Habermasian sense, where the viewer, bombarded with visuals, is unable to differentiate between public information and corporate propaganda. † If that is true regarding television news, it most definitely holds water concerning internet news. The gargantuan flow of information, most of which lacks in credibility, is bombarded on any user who wades through the mire of pop up advertisements, banners, and mass e-mailing. Although, these devices are some of the tools used in the race to get more traffic on ones website, the capitalist agenda is far from being the most unfavorable feature of journalism. It is the ubiquitous use of new media, especially by the youth that yields the most detrimental effects. The frivolous writing that is spilt across the new media today may be the first literature some of us encounter, and draw heavily from. However, there have been examples of the internet doing its job where other media have failed. Earlier this year, on January 12th, an earthquake hit the Caribbean island of Haiti. All landlines and mobile connections were suspended. The production team of the news program Sunrise at Sky News, London, was finding it difficult to channel in the first reports from the disaster-struck area. It was to be a young member of their team, Emily Purser, who used Twitter and instant messaging via Google and Skype, to secure the first reports of the incident (Elward 2010). Another, much publicized affair was the use of Twitter by the political opposition in Iran to protest the presidential elections. The protestants took to all sorts of media, but the loudest dissent was voiced, surprisingly, through microblogging. This medium proved to be fast, portable, and most importantly very difficult to contain. Ironically, this very accessibility makes the medium too erratic, unreliable, and mundane to be of any journalistic value (Grossman 2009). An obvious embodiment of the debate between free speech and quality journalism is Wikipedia. This resource epitomizes the â€Å"by the people, for the people† ideology, but this trait alone does not give it any credibility whatsoever, at least not in academic circles. A former editor-in-chief of Encyclopedia Britannica compared Wikipedia to a â€Å"public toilet†, accusing it of delivering information that has no authenticity (Shirky 2006). On the other hand, notions that anything that appears in print media will always be more accurate than digital information are absurd. What Wikipedia envisions is the process through which one can witness the knowledge of its users evolving and perfecting itself through countless revisions (Shirky 2006). The trump card in the argument for Wikipedia comes from a comparison of veracity of data between itself and Britannica; the scientific journal Nature declares them to be of similar accuracy (Giles 2005:900). This collaboration is a sign for those who think people are becoming ever more antisocial and misanthropic, for this is a global effort in creating something for the benefit of all and no monetary gain (Gauntlett 2009:42) . Patricia Wallace, in her book, The Psychology of the Internet writes about how free flow of information can be used to cultivate critical and analytical thinking amongst students who access it (1999:245). Nevertheless, the fact remains that the new media is losing credibility day by day. Although, the global sharing of information and its revision by collaboration is a noble idea, public journalism makes it exceedingly difficult to acquire accurate information; and to accept the new media as a genuine journalistic medium. BIBLIOGRAPHY Gauntlet, David. (2009). Case Study: Wikipedia. Eds. Creeber, G & Martin, R. Digital Cultures. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. Thussu, Daya Kishan. (2007). News as Entertainment: The Rise of Global Infotainment. London: SAGE Publications. Wallace, Patricia. (1999). The Psychology of The Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shirky, Clay. Interviewed on Imagine, BBC1, UK (aired 5th December 2006) Giles, Jim. (2005). Internet encyclopedias go head to head, Nature, 438:900. www. nature. com/nature/journal/v438/n7070/full/438900a. html (5th May, 2010) Grossman, Lev. (2009). Iran Protests: Twitter, the Medium of the Movement. Time. http://www. time. com/time/world/article/0,8599,1905125,00. html (5th May, 2010) Whitlock, Scott. (2010). Ted Koppel Slams Undisciplined Internet Journalism. NewsBusters. http://newsbusters. org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2010/04/13/ted-koppel-slams-undisciplined-internet-journalism-longs-good-old-da (5th May, 2010) Elward, David. (2010) Work of a trainee newspaper journalist. (5th May, 2010) http://davidelward. com/2010/03/09/the-digital-revolution-need-not-sound-the-death-knell-for-good-journalism/

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Development and Aging

Human development has led to have an insight into the developmental processes in humans throughout the life cycle. Biological, cognitive and personality are some of the aspects of development, which have been explored. The development in life cycle at all points can be understood by taking into account some primary forces; these are the mixture of past temporal conceptualizations, current developmental themes, and environmental influences. They constitute â€Å"Time sense†.According to the reports on American family history, the four approaches perceived by social scientists to study family are household composition, generations, family cycle and life-course. The study of life-course has been proved the most fruitful approach for a dynamic, complex view of families that acts as a linking line between domestic sphere and wider societal trends and concerns. The analytical approach of life-course contributes historiographically in four areas of family: life- childbearing, early c hild development, adolescence and old age.Development of health problems with growing age is another area to be focused on; study of difference in adjustment level of people in mid-life, late life transitions and stressful life events, the effect of family conditions on mental health is studied, the frequency of occurrence of mental disorders such as organic problems, schizophrenia and depression, with age. Age related sexual problems, substance abuse and psychosomatic problems are other areas of research during early, middle, late and elderly hood.However, it is quiet usual that most dramatic developmental changes takes place during infancy and early childhood. Researchers have accepted adolescence as the age of major changes. Middle-aged people are often found to be indulged in severe life events such as redundancy or divorce. In early old age (i. e 50s and 60s), people are encountered with the problems of retirement and reduced standard of living. The late old age consists of dea th of life partner and serious health problems. In nutshell, important developmental changes take place throughout our life. REFERENCES: Referred to Human Development 1998). Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 53:113-140 A Developmental Line of Time Sense: In Late Adulthood and throughout the Life Cycle Calvin A. Colarusso, M.D. Changing Perspectives on the American Family in the Past Susan M. Juster, Maris A. Vinovskis Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 13, 1987 (1987), pp. 193-216 Clinical Issues of Middle Age and Later Life Boaz Kahana, Eva Kahana Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 464, Middle and Late Life Transitions (Nov., 1982), pp. 140-161 Adolscence, adulthood, and old age Michael W. Eysenck Dated 21st July 2007

Friday, September 13, 2019

Breach of Contract Case Study

Breach of Contract Case Study MOHANA DIGHE ISSUE- Washington (January 6, 2016, 4:14 PM EST) – A driver for Uber hit the ride-offering organization to a claim a breach of contract in California government court, affirming in a proposed class activity that Uber neglected to pay drivers the winter advancement as per its reported tenets in the advertisement. Kimberly Berger claims that Uber did not pay California drivers the full rates they were guaranteed under the organization’s â€Å"Winter Warmup† advancement, which ensured least rates to taking an interest drivers who met an arrangement of conditions. As indicated by the grumbling, the advancement ensured drivers least hourly rates for specific periods on the off chance that they acknowledged no less than 90 percent of excursions, arrived at the midpoint of no less than one trek a hour and were online for no less than 50 minutes of consistently worked. The base hour rates extended from $16 every hour to $26 every hour, in view o f the day and age, as indicated by the grievance. The most astounding hour rates secured Friday and Saturday evenings. The suit claims Berger, and different drivers in the proposed class, met the states of the Winter Warmup advancement however were not paid the guaranteed rates. In particular, the suit claims, Uber paid the expenses as a normal gross hourly rate rather than a base rate for every hour. The organization likewise subtracted expenses from the promoted rates, the suit claims. â€Å"Therefore, the genuine hourly rates for pinnacle, normal, and nonpeak hours, were $20, $12, and $10 every hour, and not the $26, $20, and $16 every hour promoted,† the suit affirms. Berger claims the instalment hones broke Uber’s agreement with its drivers and furthermore constituted unjustifiable business hones under California state law. Berger is looking for unspecified harms for the benefit of herself and the proposed class, lawyers charges and an assertion that U ber’s instalment rehearses for the advancement abuse California state law. She requested that the judge confirm a class of Uber drivers in California that took part in the advancement. The suit did not determine how vast Berger expects the class will be. The organization asserts its drivers are self employed entities, not workers, which a class of drivers have debated in a different claim. Uber approached a month ago for a stay in that claim while the organization requests the court’s current deciding that its 2014 and 2015 discretion understandings are unenforceable. Uber did not instantly react to a demand for input (Uber Driver Says Co. Breached Promotion Contract – Law360). Use of Agreement Law- (a) APPLICABLE BREACH OR VIOLATION – This segment applies if there should be an occurrence of break or infringement of a portrayal or stipulation incorporated into an agreement under area 6502 of this title. (b) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES – no twithstanding harms for some other break of the agreement, the gathering in charge of a rupture or infringement depicted in subsection (an) is obligated to the National Government for the accompanying sold harms: (1) A sum equivalent to the total of $10 every day for every person under 16 years old and each imprisoned individual intentionally utilized in the execution of the agreement. (2) A sum equivalent to the entirety of every underpayment of wages due a representative occupied with the execution of the agreement, including any underpayments emerging from derivations, discounts, or discounts. (c)CANCELLATION AND ALTERNATIVE COMPLETION – Notwithstanding the Central Government being qualified for harms depicted in subsection (b), the office of the Unified States that made the agreement may scratch off the agreement and make open-showcase buys or make different contracts for the culmination of the first contract, charging any extra cost to the first temporary worke r. (d) RECOVERY OF AMOUNTS DUE.- A sum due the Central Government on account of a break or infringement depicted in subsection (a) might be withheld from any sums owed the contractual worker under any agreement under area 6502 of this title or might be recuperated in a suit brought by the Lawyer General. (e) EMPLOYEE REMBURISMENT FOR UNDERPAYMENT OF WAGES.- A sum withheld or recuperated under subsection (d) that depends on an underpayment of wages as depicted in subsection (b)(2) should be held in an uncommon store account. On request of the Secretary, the sum might be paid straightforwardly to the come up short on worker on whose record the sum was withheld or recuperated. Be that as it may, a representative’s claim for installment under this subsection might be engaged just if made inside one year from the date of genuine notice to the temporary worker of the withholding or recuperation. REMEDIES FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT- Equitable Remedies   Equitable Reme dies are those that are forced when cash harms would not enough cure the non-breaking party. The accompanying sorts of fair cures might be accessible in the given case:    Particular Execution Particular execution is a request by the court that requires the breaking gathering to do the agreement as it was initially composed. This kind of cure is uncommon. In any case, it might be requested in specific conditions. For instance, particular execution might be forced when the topic is one of a kind, for example, an acclaimed painting or a particular bit of property. Courts are reluctant to request particular execution since it requires the progressing observing by the court of the agreement. Rescission Rescission of the agreement is a cure that permits the non-breaking gathering to wipe out his or her duties under the agreement. This cure may be accessible when the agreement depended on misrepresentation or an error by either of the gatherings. It is additionally accessible if both sides like to scratch off the agreement and give back any cash that had been progressed as a feature of the agreement. Reorganization Reorganization permits two gatherings to change an agreement so that it all the more precisely reflects what the gatherings plan. This cure requires that the agreement be substantial. It might be accessible when one of the gatherings had a mixed up comprehension about a material term of the agreement.    Legitimate Cures Legitimate cures regularly appear as money related harms that are granted to help make the blameless party entirety. A few cases of legitimate cures are examined underneath. Compensatory Harms Compensatory harms are those that are intended to remunerate the non-breaking party for the rupture. These incorporate desire harms and considerable harms. Desire harms are those that give the non-rupturing party the money related assets that he or she would have gotten had the agreement been performed. These harms are n ormally in view of the agreement itself or the honest estimation of the topic of the agreement. For instance, compensatory harms might be the sum vital for the non-breaking gathering to buy a substitute item that is proportional to the one contracted for. In the event that the agreement was for an offer of merchandise, compensatory harms are generally the contrast between the agreement cost and the market estimation of the products. These harms likewise comprise of the costs important to make the non-rupturing party entire after the break, for example, promoting costs to publicize the items that the breaking party neglected to pay for. Be that as it may, the non-rupturing party by and large has an obligation to relieve his or her misfortunes. Significant harms are those harms that repay the guiltless party for backhanded costs that came about because of the break. They regularly result from uncommon conditions that are included in the agreement that may not be normally unsurpr ising. For instance, a honest gathering may approach to be repaid for the loss of business benefits that got from not having admittance to the fundamental materials to create an item for an outsider. All together for the honest party to get these harms, he or she should demonstrate that this misfortune was sensibly predictable to both sides when they composed the agreement and the misfortune was an immediate consequence of the break. Liquidation Harms In a few contracts, particular harms are pre-decided. These harms are called exchanged harms. They are normally some portion of agreements where it is hard to decide the real sum that a gathering was harmed because of a break, for example, a rupture of an agreement not to contend. Reformatory Harms Reformatory harms are intended to rebuff a blameworthy gathering keeping in mind the end goal to keep that gathering or others from taking part in comparative direct later on. Be that as it may, corrective harms more often than n ot require a more grounded goal than is essential in standard rupture of agreement cases. For instance, to be granted reformatory harms, an offended party may host to demonstrate that the rupturing gathering acted in a noxious or fake matter. A few states particularly restrict offended parties from recuperating correctional harms on break of agreement cases. Lawyer Expenses and Expenses The common party in a break of agreement case might have the capacity to gather lawyer charges and costs that he or she caused keeping in mind the end goal to realize lawful activity. A few states just permit these harms on the off chance that they are particularly accommodated in the agreement (